12/16 Continue sock A by knitting 16 rounds. The colour of the day is determined by your birthday. Just insert the date of your birth in this RGB Color Picker and go with the color it gives you. It's up to you into which box you insert month, date and year.
詳しい方によると この方法だと皆さん似た様な色になるんだとか。私は紺か赤だったので紺
12/17 Continue sock A by knitting 17 rounds inspired by your Chinese horoscope. If you like, you can choose the appropriate chart below. Choose the base colour according to your element. If you aren't doing stranded knitting, you can choose the colour either from your animal or the element. Of corse, you could also just use dublicate stitch.
12/18 Continue sock B by knitting 18 rounds in a color you find from Wikipedia: From the upper left corner, click on "random article" and try to find an article of a color by clicking the links.
Wikipediaでランダムに出たもので18段(B) トムとジェリーだったので ねずみ色とネコ色の市松模様に。
12/19 Continue sock B by knitting 19 rounds with a color you pick from your favorite flower. You can again do some stranded knitting if you like. Use the charts below or make/find your own.
うーん履ける事は履けるけど やっぱり編み込み段が厳しいですね。
あともうちょっとだ! お題もうちょっとすっきりと出してくれるといいのにね・・